Montag, Mai 29, 2006


Been a bit lazy, at least blogging -wise, sorry for that, so here's a little update of what happened last week. First of all, the people I was hoping to move in with, took someone else, I guess they wnated someone who'd stay a bit longer thatn just a few months. Fair enough, so I moved into
a guesthouse near Inokashira-koen park.
The coordinares for google earth are:
Latitude: 35°41'36.82"N
Longitude: 139°34'55.16"E
Just add a new placemark and input the coordinates, it's the big house with the blue roof.
I have an address now as well, just check my profile. You're all welcome to send me presents, postcards, anything really, or just come over and visit.
Really close to Kichijoji, which is not extremely central, but a sort of center itself, lots of music, bars, restaurants, shops etc. About 25 people in the house, only 2 Japanese, as far as I can tell, and most others are Americans, some Australians, French, Canadians, English, Scottish.
Whch basically means speaking English all the time, hardly any Japanese at all. It seems I will have to study on my own. And go out to meet some Japanese. Here are two pictures of my room, just after I moved in. Hasn't changed much since then, since I don't have any furniture. More pictures of the house soon, maybe even a video. Really nice people in the house, some have been living here for six years. Went out for one of the guys birthday and some drinks obivously on my first and second night. After that I decided to stay home for a bit. Feels like everyone is on a really long holiday, though pretty much everyone is teaching English, but that only seems to be incidental.
My room's about 10 sq.m. big, which is enough, and the rent is below 400 euros, which I think is pretty amazing for Tokyo. Plus electricity. Since then, I haven't really done that much, met up with Mayumi, but didn't take any good pictures, maybe next time, and went to an English class with Emiko, just to find out some more about English teaching. Shouldn't be too hard it seems. Now I just have to start applying for jobs and get some proper clothes. Shirt and tie seem to be the standard. Anybody's got any stylish ties?
Well, I guess I'll have to go shopping again...
More stories and videos of my fellow inmates (bit of a strange and sterile school/prison flair here) will follow soon. Some interesting people in the house.

Senso-ji temple

Mikoshi at Sensoo-ji temple
Video sent by pmirecki
A mikoshi (the thing they're carrying) is basically a portable shrine. This festival actually took place near a Buddhist temple, though right next to ist, there's a Shinto (traditional Japanese religion) shrine. The two religions and their rituals seem to blend together somehow, I'm still can't really tell the diffenrences, but I'm learning. Well, religion wasn't really the reason for coming over here.

live musik
Video sent by pmirecki
live music and story-telling, didn't really get the story though. maybe there wasn't one.
you can also see everything from my point of view...kinda high up, compared to everyone else...

Burning incense
Video sent by pmirecki
Burning incense and then covering yourself in the smoke apparently prevents accidents. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I did a bit of smoke-diving too.

Montag, Mai 22, 2006

Getting hot

I guess now the summer is about to really start, went looking at 2 flats again, and was covered in sweat as soon as I left the house. Nice first impression. Both houses were quite nice, only about 5 people living in each of them, mix of foreigners and Japanese. Definitely better than the guesthouses, though I might have to stay at one of those for a few weeks, til the rooms become available. Still waiting for an answer on my first choice room in Yuutenji. Hopefully tonight. But just driving thru the city, hopping from train to train, getting lost in every second station, not really my thing. I guess I still have to find my area, and then stay there. Like Berlin, where I never really left, the east, except for maybe Kreuzberg. Today I'm staying inside, maybe I'll wander around for a bit later on, but for now I really can't be bothered.
Went to a (religious) festival as well yesterday, Asakusa again, but this time soemthing like 1 billion million zillion people. So I left again pretty quickly.
And I started to listen more to stuff on my iPod while travelling on the underground, gives me bit more space somehow, at least in my head. For some reason my bloody external hard-drive with all the music on it won't start up (currency problem maybe? Definitely the power supply, which should work with 110V, but no light coming on), so I'm stuck with one music playlist and a few audio books. Oh well, have to figure it out soon. After I've moved. Now I better get on with my Japanese studying. Haven't really started, not much time so far, though I'm learning something every day. Need more self-discipline. Maybe some "corporal mortification"? A whip?
...started listening to the "Da Vinci Code", which I don't really like, but can't stop anyway. I hate books like that. So that's the news for today, not particularly exciting, sorry, and I doubt much more is going to happen today. Well, check out the pictures I'm about to upload.

Escape from Tokyo

First time out of Tokyo, on Saturday actually. Really nice and sunny that morning, so Yoshi suggested we visit Mount Fuji. At least go soemwhere nearby with a nice view. Luckily, he's got a car, so the 3 of us got into his Golf, and of we went. As soon as we left Tokyo, the whole landscape changed, or rather appeared. Everything was suddenly green, and not just hilly, but full of moutains. Motorway going right through this. About 70% of Japan are mountains, so no surprise that everyone's crowding into the big cities. Stopped for a picknick on a lakeside, and took quite a few pictures. The climbing season hasn't started yet, the governement advises, that the mountain should only be climbed in July and August, I think, as then, there's very little or no snow. I think I'll definitely give it a go sometime in the summer. Just the altitude that can make it really hard and tiring.
My guidebook (Lonely Planet) said, that the mountain is covered in clouds almost all year except for early mornings, and maybe if you're lucky in spring or autumn, most of the time you can't see the top from a hundred meters away. But for some reason as we arrived at the lakeside, the cluds around the peak cleared off completely. Only lasted about 1 hour, and as we were about to leave, clouds started covering up the mountain, as well as everything else, and it started to rain again. Pretty lucky.
Next off to a nearby shrine, from where the trail up to mount Fuji starts. Not sure whether I want to start from there, as it's about 17 km, all the way up to almost 4K. Might take the short route, startin about halfway up the mountain.

Then we went off to some caves in the area, which have all been created by the eruptions of Fuji-San. The last one was almost 300 years ago, so hopefully it'll stay dormant , at least while I'm here. One was the Ice Cave, which was used to store ice for the emperor during the summer. I don't think they still do that anymore, he's probably got a freezer like veryone else for his caipirinhas. Although there was lots of ice still down there, so who knows...The second one was the Wind Cave, used to be used for storing ice as well as silkworm eggs.
And as if that wasn't enough we went to an Onsen, natural hotspring, kinda like a few big bathtubs, natural water what with loads of minerals coming straight from the ground. Bathe naked, men and women were seperated in this one. Sadly, the beattery of my camera was flat by this time, so no pictures of Yoshi and me in the bathtub. Next time maybe, or maybe not.
One was at about 42 degrees, the other one a bit cooler. So it's kind of like a sauna, though the others were a bit surprised when I had a cold shower afterwards. Not something the Japanese do, but otherwise I would probabaly have collapsed as soon as I got out, low blood pressure and all the rest. Pretty busy day. I'm starting to realise how the Japanese can do Europe in a week. Had some local speciality, noodles, soup etc. I think there's a different type of food evry 50 km or so, something you won't get anywhere else. Or at least not as good. I'll have to do some more travelling, and if it's just for the food!

Freitag, Mai 19, 2006

Bad Fortune?

Met up with Ayako yesterday, and we went to another shrine, this time in Asakusa. Here I paid 100 yen (about 75 cent) in order to randomly pull a stick out of metal box. The number on the stick told me which piece of paper to pull out of one of the drawers (for pictures have a look at the photoblog), which in turn told me my fortune / future. Kind of like a fortune cookie, a bit more detailes, but about as vague. Didn't sound too good, don't know if you can read it, sorry for the blurry photo.
The good thing is though that if it's bad fortune, you can fold the paper up and tie a it to the metal bars in the red wooden frame on the second picure and that should reverse the prophesy, which I obviously did. So I hope I'll be OK.

later we went on a little boat trip, crappy weather, but nice view anyway. Arrived in Odaiba, which where the next picure was taken, actually a few of them I stitched together, not very professionally. Tokyo skyline in the rainy foggy weather that seems to normal around this time of year. So now it's almost rain season, after that comes the really hot and humid summer, and then it's typhoon season. And then autumn and winter, a few earthquakes and maybe if I'm lucky a tsunami or two thrown into the mix. Great place to be, will definitely not get boring.

The Fuji Television Network Building was also quite impressive, and we wandered around a kind of exhibition in there, sets from all kinds of TV shows I'd never heard of. When we came out it was already almost dark, went of to Roppongi, the place with what seemed like the highest percentage of tourists. Nightlife, bars, restaurants, clubs and so on. Have to check it out in more detail some other time, when I'm less tired. The best thing about the whole day was (sorry Ayako), that she was at least as lost as I aalway am on the underground. Didn't know which line to get, which map to look at, which ticket to buy and into which direction to walk as soon as we were underground. So it's not just the language and the writing, it's just a confusing system for everyone who's not used to it. I am starting to accept now, that, wherever I go on the trains, I will get lost somewhere along the way. In some underground station most likely. I'm a lot more relaxed now travelling. Probably not the best solution, but I doubt there's any other way.

Donnerstag, Mai 18, 2006

From Yotsuya to Harajuku

The day before yesterday, I went over to Yotsuya San-Choome to visit Maki, another friend from College, who went back home to Japan, and after a really nice meal at her flat (forgot to take pictures, but then it's not really supposed to be a food blog), we went off for a walk around the area, past 2 baseball stadiums, and over to my first "prayer at a shrine" experience. We were actually the only ones there, and Maki gave me quick introduction on how pray. Apparently the shrines as well as the ceremony is quite similar for Buddhist and Shinto shrines. This one was probably Buddhist. She wasn't compeletely sure though.

These steps are probably neither complete nor completely correct. It's just what I remembered. I am always open for correcting comments, and I can correct these steps at any time, so let me know.

Step 1: Don't step onto the piece of wood across the entrance gate floor.
Step 2: Wash your hands, little kind of well + ladle is normally supplied, near the entrance to the "court".
Step 3: Light a bit of incense in the cauldron-like container, under the roof in the photo, in front of th shrine. Bring your own incense. Then inhale the smoke. I think.
Step 4: Throw 50 (5 is ok for good luck as well)
Step 5: Go to the steps, stop in front of them, put your hands together, maybe with a clap?, and that's the prayer. Or one way anyway. This shrine was closed, couldn't get in there.

Later on we walked to down one of the posher shopping streets, and not that I would or could have bought anything back in good ol' Europe, but over here it's even more impossible (well, impossible, more impossible, most impossible......I guess you know what I mean.


Poor little fishies (hatahata is the actual name of the fishes in Japanese) ... that's the actual name. Emiko and Yoshi ate them all. Except for the heads. I really have to find out more about what I'm allergic to, seafood is everything here. As far as I know, only salmon is really bad for me, I guess I'll do a few tests and post the pictures from hospital on this site.

Mittwoch, Mai 17, 2006

Coming up to Emiko's & Yoshi's house

Coming up to Emiko's house
Video sent by pmirecki
Only about 8 o'clock, but already dark over here. Just a short video so you can see what it's like at night over here. Pretty quiet area, I just got back from looking at another room in a guesthouse. Even managed to go by bus, and not get lost, even though there's no English writing, and not even the Kana names of the bus-stops. I was quite proud of myself. But then I got lost in Kichihjoji, just walking around and had to ask a police man. Oh well...
Met two Americans at the guest house, and we walked around a bit and went for a drink. Told me about a website, which I thought I ought to share: I reckon, moving into a guesthouse would help me a lot, once I start travelling, but if I want to learn more about the culture and language, living with at least a few Japanese is definitely better.
This was also the first time, a girl came up to the three of us, saying something like "Please, can you teach me English". One of the guys was quite happy to take on the task, but as Emiko said later on, it's a job you should actually get paid for. And I've got me luvly gal back home. So I guess I will avoid free English lessons, unless it's for friends. Also, this whole English/ Japanese learning seems to be part a strange and dodgy dating / mating ritual. Yesterday, I found an ad on one of the accomodation-offering boards on the net from someone offering free English lessons, and pretending to be a native English speaker (but with quite a few spelling and grammar mistakes in the online ads) posting things like: "Subject:Hajimemashitte! Nice to meet you! I am young male from Toronto, Canada teaching English in Tokyo, looking for serious girlfriend! ..." When I tried to find the ad today, they had all been taken off the different boards and forums, so I guess most people are aware of this stuff. Maybe I'll contact the guy the next time I find an ad like that and meet up with him. Could be romantic!

Dienstag, Mai 16, 2006

Flat again

Yesterday, I didn't do much, again surfing quite a bit, looking for rooms, emailing everyone, trying to find about bluetooth headsets for the osx, and video chats from mac to pc. If anybody's got any advice, please let me know, James was pretty useless. Finally, at about 4 PM, I got an email that I could see a room in Yutenji (there should be a line above the "u",as a sort of emphasis, no idea how to do that on my mac). Went there, going by train is still alway a challenge, was a bit early, so I walked around, found a diving shop, where you can do 1-day trips, but it would cost about 150 - 200 € for two dives, and then diving around Tokyo is not really supposed to be that great. They didn't have wetsuits my size anyway, so I guess I'll still have to go to Okinawa, down south, nice and tropical.
When I met the couple that's advertising the room (for a change it's not an agency), it turns out that he's a camera man and she's a director, and they do their productions at home. Might even need someone who does editing, animation and dvd authoring. That would be a perfect match. The flat is small, quite an old house, but actually a bigger room than the others I've seen advertised so far. About 9 sq.m. Huge actually. They'd be sharing the other room, which is bigger, and then there's a kitchen with a little table and a sofa. I think we got on really well, so I hope they're gonna let me stay there. It's even just below my 500 €/month pain threshold. Apparantly a bargain for that area. Will have to wait until the Sunday, because they just started advertising the room.
On my way home, I stopped in Shibuya, shopping district, had a little walk around. But again, a bit too much for me, I guess I will still have to find the nicer areas, supposedly ther's lots of little shops in that area, but all I found was video screens, pachinko parlours, hostess bars and huge CD and cloths shops. Next time maybe.


That was on Sunday, trying to catch up.
Well, not quite a BBQ, more like lots of stuff on a hotplate in the lounge. It was raining anyway. Apparently this might be the start of the rain season. Until a few days ago I didn't even know that Japan had a rain season. Looking around on the internet (which I'm doing almost all day, evryone here has 100Mb lines it seems, and I still need to find a room), it said that in Tokyo the rain should really start in the beginning of June. So maybe this isn't the rain season yet. Well, it's raining again today...
Great food, again, Emiko's brother and a friend of hers came round. I'm still really bad with names, I think it was Tatsu (that's how his name started, there are still 2 syllables missing, but I think it's the short form for stupid foreigners) and Kiriko. Sorry if they're not quite right.
This time no surprises, except for lots of veg and mushrooms on the "grill". Not like a proper German (or for that matter English, American, whatever) barbecue, where veggies are excluded. And some kind of soy sauce, rather than mustard and ketchup. Makes a nice change. Again, we managed to finish a few beers, and apparently my very German ability to drink more than the rest of them impressed. Shouldn't be too proud of that, but then, by "western" standards, it's not really that impressive. Know a few people who can drink me under the table with one hand tied to their back. No need to mention any names. And then there's the "asian flush". Anybody who's interested can google or wikipedia it. And apparantly Germans drink about twice as much as the Japanese -
Enough about alcohol, gotta watch it. During the course of the dinner, Kiriko mentioned, that they igth have a room I could rent, but it's in the basement, insect infested (she killed about 500 of them last summer) and there's a ghost living there. She only met him once, apparently some kind of clown, who made her run out of her house to a friend's place. I wouldn't mind the company of a ghost as much as the insects. So unless they get some professional help, I reckon I'll give that a miss. I guess her future is not in sales.
And Tatsu(...) said that he might know two stewardesses, who could use some English lessons. So finding a job does not seem too complicated. For the time being, I don't really want one quite yet. Well, if he gets back to me, I guess I'll take it on, a bit of money on the side is never a bad thing. The whole dinner ended quite early, and I went straight to bed. Well after a bit of skyping. Maren is currently always reading something to me while I fall asleep. How great is VoIP. Then I woke up later and we started talking again. So maybe it's not such great thing. Or maybe I should just shut down my comp when I go to sleep. Hope I didn't keep everyone awake all night, as the walls are pretty thin, more like sliding doors, half made of glass. Traditional, old Japanese, hence the size of the doors, the mirror cutting of my head and all that. I'll post some more photos soon.

First few days...

Well so much for Shinjuku. Not my favorite place in the world, but definitely something else. When I finally woke up the next day, Emiko and Yoshi were at work, so started off my surfing and chatting and skypin'. Trying to find a room, or at least a few websites advertising rooms. Which wasn't really that difficult. The problem was, however, decinding on a area to live. If you don't knwo the city, and Tokyo is really just part of something bigger, 'cos you can be end up for example in Yokohama or Chiba, without noticing. And if you have the name of some part of the city, you'll never find it on the underground map. Part of the problem being that there are JR (Japan Rail, as far as I have figured it out, state-owned) lines, + about a million seperate private lines. Obviously you need different tickets as well, can't change from on to the other that easily, though by now I have credit-card-stylee cards, one for all the private and one for the JR lines. Now another problem is, that hardly any of the stations I want to go to are on any of the five or six train maps that I've got by now. Definitely not on the one in my Lonely Planet travel guide, and most of the others are only available in Japanese, which doesn't help much, 'cos I don't know how to pronounce the Kanji's. Short explanation: Japanese writing consists of 3 "alphabets", Hiragana (46 signs, for Japanese words when Kanjis do not exist or are not commonly used), Katakana (46, for foreign words) and Kanji (20.000+, who knows). You need to know about 2000 to get along. I know about 20. Well...
Enough about that.
Later I went out to get some food, same result in the supermarket, half the stuff I didnt't know, and definitely couldn't tell from what's written on the packaging. So I bought some vaguely familiar stuff for some pasta with tomato sauce. And some beer! Did some cooking with my new found flatmates, and it ended up havin quite a different taste to what I intended. Not bad, just different. Not that I don't like Japanese food. Luv' it. Just don't know what to do with the ingredients. Another thing to learn.
Next morning I managed to get up a bit earlier, nice rainy weather less than 15 degrees, and went to a place with Emiko, where people concentrate on being nice to foreigners. For free. So if I stay in this area, I could get language lessons almost for free, from really friendly people, migth even get paid for teaching a bit of English or German. And somebody migth even find me a room to stay. Not for free though. Then I went off to see the first 2 rooms, one being in Nishifunabashi, easy to remember, like everything here, which turned out to be part of Chiba, so completely on the other side of town. 2h on a couple of trains, and I'm there. Surfer/Skater dude, who's the manager, shows me the place, 25 people share one house, nice relaxed, but a bit far away maybe. depends on where you wanna be. Which I still don't know.
Next one is back in the west of Tokyo, this opne is only for about 15 people, and only one shower, not really for me, though I like the area. A hippie girl in tie-dyed jeans tells me how cool it would be if I moved in, and that there had already been a German from Hmaburg in this house, once upon a time, and if I wanted to play on my electric guitar, I'd be more than welcome. No idea where she got the idea about the guitar from. But then again, she's been lining in that house for about 4 years...
Also went to Akihabara, Electric City, earlier that day, just check out the photos on the left. That'll be another chapter some time soon.
and in the evening we went to an izakaya, traditional japanese pub/restaurant....check the photos...there'll be some more soon, cause you can get all that stuff in any supermarket. Might send anyone who's interested a pack of fresh gristle (Knorpel). a few beers and off to bed....seems to be arepeating theme...hope I won't finish every blog entry this way....

Montag, Mai 15, 2006

To Shinjuku Station

To Shinjuku Station
Video sent by pmirecki
Coming up to Shinjuku station, THE place to hang around or meet apparently


Video sent by pmirecki
Walking around Shinjuku aimlessly, pachinko (slot machines), huge video screens, noise, neon advertising

Freitag, Mai 12, 2006

Tokyo Tokyo

Sunrise, even though the sun never really went down. Great breakfast, but this time no Japanese choice. Just a "standard" continental, cheese and jam and ham and rolls and coffe kind of thing, with that special plane-flavour.
Landing, no ones clapping, low hanging clouds, drizzle, but at least 21 degrees. not really nice. Going through immigrations and actually getting into the country is really simple and quick, not queues, no questions, I've got my visa, getting another few pieces of paper added to my passport, and I'm in, faster than the Japanese. Picking up my rucksack (22 kilos...) and I'm out, my hand luggage must weigh at least 10, so I'm covered in sweat before I'm in the main hall. As soon as I'm in there, 3 Japanese come up to me, one with a camera. Asking me, if they could take a picture of me for a travel magazine called "Coyote". They do, give me some stuff to fill out, where I'm from, what I'm doing here, and so on, you're so tall...and so on. Maybe I should think about a modelling career in Japan. We'll see.

Then I got myself a MOBILE!
Number is: +81 - (0)80-350 79 832, apparently the cheapest option of calling from Germany is adding 010017 in the beginning, about 10 cent a minute. or you can reach me on skype, name's peter.mirecki

Cash machines work as well, so no problems there. After that the next challenge, finding the right train line into the city. And even more problematic, buying the right ticket. But after about 2 minutes of staring at timetables, a guy comes up to me and offers to help, so he shows me which ticket to get, where to change trains, tells me that he is a machine designer and just came back from a business trip to Frankfurt. We ride into town, well really really big town, but first it's a biut of countryside, ricefields, kind of traditional buildings and even a shrine or two.
At Nippori station I have to change, which isn't too difficult, cause all the names arealso spelled out in English. Then it's off to Shinjuku. Neon lights, noise, everyone seems to be dressed up, Pachinko parlours (slot machines, etc.), shops, department stores, looks like a red light district, but I couldn't spot anything sleazy. What a shame... Met a girl from Slovenia, and together we went up on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, 45 floors, boring uo there, but nice view, even when it's foggy. Cheesy greek?-style restaurant up there, so we went back down, into Shinjuku. Got some cheap food and a beer, after all it was about 3 o'clock in Tokyo, only about 8 AM in Berlin, so the right time for a beer. Got really tired, so I sat down and tried to figure out my phone. Now, a day later, I still don't know how to send text messages. Some day...
Phoned Maren, who rang me back. Still covered in sweat, which is why I look so good on the photo. A bit later, I picked up my luggage again, which I had locked up in Shinjuku station (only took me about an hour to find the lockers), bought another 2 train tickets, as there's lots of different lines, you need lots of different tickets, kind of obvious, don't know why the BVG in Berlin hasn't figured that one out. And of I go, only one change, and then on the second line, I can't see any English writing anymore, so I'm really happy I remembered the Kanji-simbols for Tanashi, which is my stop. As soon as I come out, Emiko, a friend from college is there, and we go home to her place, where they I meet her flatmate Yoshi, and they have spare room. Apparently Japanese don't usually share flats. Only foreigners do that. They've got W-LAN, raw squid cut into slices, beer and even a futon, which is all I need. And most importantly a shower! Pretty tired as I only slept for 3 hours on the plane. The futon is about 1,60 long, and the doors are about 1,80 high. But I'll get used to that. I can stay here for a week, so I better start looking for a flat. Or at least a room. more photos and videos soon. Stay in touch, always happy to hear from any of you!

Abschied Tegel

The last photo of me and Maren at the airport Tegel. I decided to switch to English from now on, as I will send the address of this blog to some people who might not be too happy with having to learn German just to read this. Anyways, I not going to go into the details, it was sad enough, having to leave her standing there. After that, I obviously had almost completely unpack my rucksack, because the very efficient German customs officer couldn't see enough on her screen, i.e. my laptop, camera, hard-drive, cable collection looked somehow dangerous. It only took me about 15 minutes to fit it all back. And surprisingly enough I didn't even miss my flight.

Well, on the plane, dry sandwich, crossing the alps, Milan Malpensa, which is about as much a part of Milan, as Lübeck of Hamburg, Stansted of London or for that matter, Narita of Tokyo, as I found out later. Milan, boring, 2 hours, fast forward, next plane, at 15:20, here customs weren't intersted at all in my rucksack, even though I'm sure they couldn't tell at all what kind of bomb-making materials or guns for that matter were hidden between all the technology.

A plane full of Japanese, maybe 10 out 300 are not Asian. Might have been some Chinese in between, I'm not very good at spotting the differences. Choice of Italian and Japanese food. I figure there's going to be more than enough Japanese food in Japan, so I went for the Italian. For more photos, just click on the link on the right, that's my Photo-Blog. I think I'll manage to put some on there tonight. For now there's not much new stuff there. During the whole flight, the sun doesn't go down at all, I guess we're too high up, feels a bit like Lappland...well, maybe not quite, but you know what I mean. Then I went to sleep, at least for a bit.

Freitag, Mai 05, 2006

Nochmal Timelapse

Abschied Timelapse
Video sent by pmirecki
Abschiedspartyvideo, diesmal direkt eingebunden, dafür nich ganz so gross

Donnerstag, Mai 04, 2006

und tschüss

So, das wär auch geschafft. warten auf die ersten gäste, dacht schon es kommt niemand, aber dann wurds doch so langsam voll.

Tja, und mehr und mehr, wer alle photos als 20 MB Quicktime sehen will, kannse hier runterladen, einfach auf den titel klicken. dauert allerdings ne weile. Leider is die Kamera um dreiviertel ölf schon ausgegangen, hat aber immerhin bis dahin alle 5 min n foto gemacht. naja, wieder was gelernt. an dieser stelle nochma danke und tschüss, ich hab mich ja dann doch um 1:30 schlafen legen müssen, aus irgendeinem unerfindlichen grunde überkam mich eine plötzliche müdigkeit. Überraschenderweise solls auch ohne mich ganz nett gewesen sein.

Und das aufräumen ham wir (d.h. die WG plus WG-Gäste minus Maren, die eleganterweise ausser Haus genächtigt hat, danke an Tiina, Miriam, Elke, Thomson und Alfred) dann auch noch geschafft. Dann mal weiter im Text. jetzt fehlen nur noch ein paar Details, z.B Bewerbungsunterlagen, Lebenslauf, packen, usw. Werd schon merken ob ich alles hab.