Mittwoch, Mai 09, 2007
Wir sind im Fernsehen (Naja, hauptsächlich Maren)
Auf Sat1, am 29.05. um 23:15:
24 Stunden: My Story.
Kanns irgendjemand aufnehmen, wenns geht auf festplatte oder DVD?
Wir hams auch noch nich gesehen...aber vielleicht kriegen wir ja noch ne kopie...
hier der blurb von sat1:
Sechs Monate lang reist Maren (28) aus Berlin mit wenig Geld und einem Work-and-Travel-Visum kreuz und quer durch Australien - begleitet von ihrem Freund Peter. Die beiden suchen einen Ort, in dem sie die nächsten Jahre leben und arbeiten wollen. Auf ihrem Erkundungstrip durch Down Under in einem umgebauten Bus gibt's allerdings einige Überraschungen. Die Jobsuche im Großstadtdschungel von Sydney gestaltet sich schwieriger als erwartet, und das Leben auf den Campingplätzen ist teuer und - wegen der einheimischen Tierwelt - nicht immer ungefährlich. Zudem sind speziell die australischen Winzer, so stellen Maren und Peter nach einem Ernteeinsatz fest, nicht nur überaus herzlich sondern auch trinkfest. Was dem unternehmenslustigen Pärchen sonst noch alles widerfährt, schildert Maren aus ihrer Sicht.
hab zwar nur dei nebenrolle, dafür bin ich aber im trailer jetzt schon zu sehen, wenn man genau hinguckt, der hüpfende dumm grinsende typ im fallschirmgeschirr...
na denn, bald sehen wir uns alle, oder ihr uns oder so...
grüsse aus dem herbst, obwohls ja noch recht warm is...naja, jobs ahm wir immer noch nicht, zumindest keine festen, aber das könnte eventuell in den nächsten wochen inlusive visum klappen, mehr details bald!!!
Montag, Mai 07, 2007
Here to stay!
Finally we have settled down, at least a little bit.
I've found a job, editing, compositing and motion graphics, pretty much exactly what I wanted, and they will organize the visa for Maren and me. So it looks good, let's just hope I really get the visa. Got a couple of months left on our working holiday, let's hope it's enough...Maren's still going to job interviews every couple of days, so it's just a matter of time til she gets one as well. In the meantime we are/were both temping, office and hospitality jobs...not too sad that that's over for me.
Looks like we're staying, though Oz is really far away from everything. Hope some of you will come and visit!
After staying in Jytte's (friend of mine from college) room for 3 weeks, over in Hawthorn, with her flatmate and her two cats, we now moved to Brunswick into a nice little house which we're sharing with Simone, our hyper-active sport-addicted flatmate, and Chai, her just as hyper-active, sport-addicted one year old dog (a Hungarian Viszla, to be precise). Great house, great area, full of good food, bars and everyone around us speaks either Greek, Italian, Turkish, one of the 393 Indian languages.
Or German...maybe that's just us.
Maren's mom and sister have graced us with their presence for 5 weeks in April and May, so we finally did a bit of sightseeing around here with them.
Anyways, it's late, and I should be going home, busy day tomorrow, maybe write some more tomrorrow...soon anyway.
take care, and thanks for watching
I've found a job, editing, compositing and motion graphics, pretty much exactly what I wanted, and they will organize the visa for Maren and me. So it looks good, let's just hope I really get the visa. Got a couple of months left on our working holiday, let's hope it's enough...Maren's still going to job interviews every couple of days, so it's just a matter of time til she gets one as well. In the meantime we are/were both temping, office and hospitality jobs...not too sad that that's over for me.
Looks like we're staying, though Oz is really far away from everything. Hope some of you will come and visit!
After staying in Jytte's (friend of mine from college) room for 3 weeks, over in Hawthorn, with her flatmate and her two cats, we now moved to Brunswick into a nice little house which we're sharing with Simone, our hyper-active sport-addicted flatmate, and Chai, her just as hyper-active, sport-addicted one year old dog (a Hungarian Viszla, to be precise). Great house, great area, full of good food, bars and everyone around us speaks either Greek, Italian, Turkish, one of the 393 Indian languages.
Or German...maybe that's just us.
Maren's mom and sister have graced us with their presence for 5 weeks in April and May, so we finally did a bit of sightseeing around here with them.
Anyways, it's late, and I should be going home, busy day tomorrow, maybe write some more tomrorrow...soon anyway.
take care, and thanks for watching
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