Mittwoch, Mai 07, 2008
Wir kommen!
Am 10.06.2008 ist es soweit: dann kommen wir in Berlin an! Bis zum 16.06. werden wir in unser Lieblingsstadt verweilen und hoffen dass ihr - also unsere Freunde - sich mal ein bisschen Zeit fuer uns nehmen. Also nicht von der Arbeit stressn lassen sondern mit uns grillen, feiern, tratschen, kochen und so weiter. Wir sind im Anschluss ein bischen in Deutschland unterwegs und werden aber puenktlich am Donnerstag vor dem letzten Juni Wochenende auf der Fusion sein. Ich hoffe mal den Grossteil dort wieder zu treffen. Ok, wenn irgendwer bestimmt Wuensche hat bezueglich australischer Produkte und Mitbringsel (ie Havaiannas, Kangaroos, VB, papau or wife beaters) bitte rechtzeitig bescheid sagen und es wird organisiert.
Also dann bis bald!
RWA Desert Trip Pictures
A little while ago I've been on a trip into Victoria's beautiful Big Desert with my colleagues from rush wright. Big fun! We left Melbourne on a Thursday afternoon in 4 cars, a 101 or called armadillo with camp kitchen, a Land Rover called Red Rhino, a yellow Defender called YP and a hired Troopie called the white elephant. Our destination for the first night was a lodge in the little desert - half way to the big one. There we met Michaels and Caths friends Andrea and Gianni who joined us for the rest of the trip. On Friday morning (early morning) we started our mission to drive through the Big Desert without getting lost - not that we haven't been prepared for: several maps, gps, each car with radio and food and wine for appr. a week. After a lot of driving up and down the hills and getting stuck in the sand several times we reached our first campsite in the early afternoon. Michael our caring boss and 'super-dad' prepared the first fantastic meal in a series of non-stop outdoor eating. Nothing spectacular happened at night. The second day was pretty much driving through the sand, up and down the dunes, getting stuck, getting dusty, getting thirsty. Another fantastic meal, another few drinks, good sleep. Sunday was our last day and yes, mission accomplish. We crossed the desert and we didn't get lost. Can't wait for the next office trip!
Check out the pictures!
Sonntag, März 16, 2008
New flatmate, and more importantly...
Big news, we've got a new flatmate, and her name is Malvina. A tribute to "Malwine in der Badewanne", and "Little Boxes". Though she might be a he, but I guess we'll never know.
And a lot more importantly: we're coming to Germany for most of June and the beginning of July.
A bit of a European holiday, we'll be in Berlin for about a week from 10/06, then Krauschwitz, then Wendtland, then Hamburg for a week from the 22., then Fusion, and not sure where we'll be for the last week. All too short and too busy, two weddings and a festival, but we're hoping to see you all! As always, Sonntag Seebühne!
And we're stopping over in Tokyo for two days, arriving 06/06, so I'm hoping the see the old RBC posse, and of course visit Parkside House.
Anyways, that's the news for those few readers that are still following this blog, as always, we'll try to post a few more things here, on a more regular basis, and now it's time to get in touch with everyone, get your "Maren & Peter Do Europe And Japan" bookings sooner rather than later, cos they'll be sold out soon!
Get in touch, or we will have to!
And a lot more importantly: we're coming to Germany for most of June and the beginning of July.
A bit of a European holiday, we'll be in Berlin for about a week from 10/06, then Krauschwitz, then Wendtland, then Hamburg for a week from the 22., then Fusion, and not sure where we'll be for the last week. All too short and too busy, two weddings and a festival, but we're hoping to see you all! As always, Sonntag Seebühne!
And we're stopping over in Tokyo for two days, arriving 06/06, so I'm hoping the see the old RBC posse, and of course visit Parkside House.
Anyways, that's the news for those few readers that are still following this blog, as always, we'll try to post a few more things here, on a more regular basis, and now it's time to get in touch with everyone, get your "Maren & Peter Do Europe And Japan" bookings sooner rather than later, cos they'll be sold out soon!
Get in touch, or we will have to!
Freitag, Februar 01, 2008
A Big Day Out... wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Naja, fuer die, die uns ein bisschen besser kennen ist klar, dass wir schon schonungsloser aus waren, aber immerhin. Allerdings wird einem von den Organisatoren ein richtiger "Big Day Out" nicht sonderlich leicht gemacht. Um es vorwegzunehmen, mit richtigem rock'n'roll hat der BDO nichts am Hut. Allein schon der Massenkonsum auf dem Festivalgelaende spricht dagegen. Saemtliche Futterstaende wurden von grossen Ketten betrieben (gott sei dank blieben uns MacDoof und dergleichen erspart) und den Eingangsbereich zierte eine Shoppingmall die alles zu bieten hatte was man oder auch nicht auf einem Festival benoetigt. Na gut, darueber koennte man ja nochmal hinwegsehen. Aber nicht ueber die Muehen die man aufbringen musste und die Zaeune die man uebersteigen musste um an ein geliebtes kuehles Bier zu gelangen. Als erstes musste man sich in eine lange Schlange einreihen um sich per Gesichtskontrolle und Ausweis bestaetigen lassen, dass man das alkoholtrinkende Alter erreicht hat. Hat man endlich sein Proof-of-Age Baendchen um das Handgelenk gebunden bekommen, wartete eine zweite Schlange in die man sich einreihen musste (brav am Ende natuerlich) um sich Getraenkemarken kaufen zu koennen. Die gab es nur im Zehnerpack - also schoen rechnen, nicht dass man am Ende mit zuviel Marken wieder nach Hause kommt. Gut eine Stunde nach dem ersten Verlangen nach einem kuehlen Drink hatten wir endlich Baendchen und Marken. Nun hiess es allerdings noch einen der 3 Barbereiche zu finden, um sich in einem Kaefig einsperren zu lassen. Richtig gelesen. Getrunken werden (nur Alkohol) durfte nur in einem abgesperrten Bereich, der streng von Tuerstehern bewacht wurde. Dort hiess es dann noch einmal anstellen um nun endlich an sein Bier zu gelangen. Und wie es so ueblich scheint bei australischen "Rock-Konzerten" trinkt man brav hinter dem Zaun. Ich konnte es kaum fassen. Anti Flag sehen und kein Bier dazu in der Hand!!!! Naja, somit verbrachten wir einen Grossteil des Tages im Kaefig, gemuetlich trinkend, der Musik lauschend - die allerdings soundmaessig nicht so der Hit war. Zum Schluss wurden wir aber noch mit Bjoerk und Rage against the Machine von nahem belohnt. Alles in allem hatten wir mit Sam und Scott sehr viel Spass und um das zu beweisen gibts ein paar Bilder. Na dann, jetzt gehts auf in eine richtige Bar, da wird man wenigstens nicht eingesperrt - zum Rauchen allerdings ausgesperrt. Hihi...
Samstag, Januar 26, 2008
The happiness that shopping brings. We finally found a German butcher, and though it's all the way out in Hoppers Crossing (about 30 minutes drive), we did not hesitate for one second. Went this morning, and that's what we came back with, plus some Quark, Schwarzwälder Schinken, Mettwurst...OK, the Wernesgrüner and Haribo we picked up at Aldi, and the Jameson at Dan Murphy's, our three favourite shops in one day!
Enough advertising, now on to celebrations: today's Australia day, and there is no more fitting way to celebrate than with a few stubbies (beers for the rest of the world) and nice little barbie (barbecue....) - though German-style, I have to admit, but then there's no sausages like German sausages, well, at least the Aussies cannot quite keep up. Anyways, as you can see, we're slowly picking up the lingo.
We might head into town to catch the fireworks, but then again, we might be too lazy, a bit over 3o° today, just about bearable. By the way, not all the sausages are for us, some are for Sam and Scott, our Welsh friends from up north (-Melbourne), photos will follow soon, as we're all heading to the Big Day Out on Monday, to see Björk, Rage Against The Machine, UNKLE, Tucker, Arcade Fire, Dizzee Rascal, and quite a few others.
So let's start eating, or maybe a drink first, it's after two!!!
Enough advertising, now on to celebrations: today's Australia day, and there is no more fitting way to celebrate than with a few stubbies (beers for the rest of the world) and nice little barbie (barbecue....) - though German-style, I have to admit, but then there's no sausages like German sausages, well, at least the Aussies cannot quite keep up. Anyways, as you can see, we're slowly picking up the lingo.
We might head into town to catch the fireworks, but then again, we might be too lazy, a bit over 3o° today, just about bearable. By the way, not all the sausages are for us, some are for Sam and Scott, our Welsh friends from up north (-Melbourne), photos will follow soon, as we're all heading to the Big Day Out on Monday, to see Björk, Rage Against The Machine, UNKLE, Tucker, Arcade Fire, Dizzee Rascal, and quite a few others.
So let's start eating, or maybe a drink first, it's after two!!!
Freitag, Januar 25, 2008
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and finally managed to take some pictures, so here's one of my office, or at least my desk and I better be off, or I'll be late. Don't have any clients sitting in with me today, but maybe I should be on time anyway. Maren's already gone, she always leaves a bit earlier. Hope you all have a good day at work, I know I will, cos it's Friday!!!!!
Donnerstag, Januar 10, 2008
Der link zu den Photos findet ihr auf der rechten Seite. Einfach auf "Photos" klicken und schon seid ihr da...
Mittwoch, Januar 09, 2008
New Pics
Montag, Januar 07, 2008
Kangaroo Island Xmas 2007
Here's a little video of our holidays on Kangaroo Island. We were there for only a few days, you can see our cottage, the seals, Remarkable Rocks, and some other stuff.
Should have stayed longer, and skipped our trip to Adelaide after that, but nobody told us that Adelaide isn't really that exciting...
Anyway, here we are, back at work in Melbourne.
Mittwoch, Januar 02, 2008
...und die Maren schläft noch!
... während der arme Peter um 8 Uhr aufstehen musste um einen langweiligen Tag auf Arbeit zu verbringen konnte ich noch weiter schlafen, denn ich habe firmenbedingten Urlaub. Herrlich. Endlich mal ein paar Tage allein daheim, nur ich und mein neuer iPod und meine neue Festplatte und Gigamäßig viel Musik die hin und her geschoben werden möchte. So macht das Leben spaß. Am kommenden Montag heißt es dann aber auch wieder für mich früh aufstehen und
Dienstag, Januar 01, 2008
Happy New ....
and all the you can see, we're getting way too old. Anyways, 2008, 34 degrees at midnight, and we're all alone at home, sweating in our underwear...I guess more information than needed. Anyways...
Had a great time on Kangaroo Island, though a large part had burned down before we arrived. there was still lots to see, photos and such to follow soon, unless we're too lazy. Enough for tonight, too hot to write anymore, after a whole day of 41 degrees, and only one bottle of bubbly we're not in any shape to be very active. so that's our first new years eve at home, ever. Hope you're not all getting as old as we are, and keep partying for us! take care and we
Had a great time on Kangaroo Island, though a large part had burned down before we arrived. there was still lots to see, photos and such to follow soon, unless we're too lazy. Enough for tonight, too hot to write anymore, after a whole day of 41 degrees, and only one bottle of bubbly we're not in any shape to be very active. so that's our first new years eve at home, ever. Hope you're not all getting as old as we are, and keep partying for us! take care and we
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