Montag, Mai 22, 2006

Getting hot

I guess now the summer is about to really start, went looking at 2 flats again, and was covered in sweat as soon as I left the house. Nice first impression. Both houses were quite nice, only about 5 people living in each of them, mix of foreigners and Japanese. Definitely better than the guesthouses, though I might have to stay at one of those for a few weeks, til the rooms become available. Still waiting for an answer on my first choice room in Yuutenji. Hopefully tonight. But just driving thru the city, hopping from train to train, getting lost in every second station, not really my thing. I guess I still have to find my area, and then stay there. Like Berlin, where I never really left, the east, except for maybe Kreuzberg. Today I'm staying inside, maybe I'll wander around for a bit later on, but for now I really can't be bothered.
Went to a (religious) festival as well yesterday, Asakusa again, but this time soemthing like 1 billion million zillion people. So I left again pretty quickly.
And I started to listen more to stuff on my iPod while travelling on the underground, gives me bit more space somehow, at least in my head. For some reason my bloody external hard-drive with all the music on it won't start up (currency problem maybe? Definitely the power supply, which should work with 110V, but no light coming on), so I'm stuck with one music playlist and a few audio books. Oh well, have to figure it out soon. After I've moved. Now I better get on with my Japanese studying. Haven't really started, not much time so far, though I'm learning something every day. Need more self-discipline. Maybe some "corporal mortification"? A whip?
...started listening to the "Da Vinci Code", which I don't really like, but can't stop anyway. I hate books like that. So that's the news for today, not particularly exciting, sorry, and I doubt much more is going to happen today. Well, check out the pictures I'm about to upload.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

finally we see peter with a sunny face again :D
now take your ghost clown with you and find yourself a nice room where you can play a song on your big electric guitar for the spirits of nippon.

Parin Mehta hat gesagt…

Which Ipod do u have , Also if you could upload more photos it will be great
